Evolytics Gives Back to Rose Brooks Center
By Concord

For many, it is hard to imagine what it would be like to be afraid in your own home. So afraid for your safety and that of your children that you have to flee. Fortunately for women and their children who are victims of domestic violence, there is a haven at Rose Brooks Center. Rose Brooks provides emergency shelter allowing escape from immediate danger and also provides clothes and other necessary items for those who have had to leave everything behind. Every year more than 800 women and children find safety at Rose Brooks Center.

Evolytics Team at Rose Brooks

The holiday time is an especially difficult time to be a refugee. What about all the expectations for a joyous time together and gift-giving? Understanding this plight, the staff at Evolytics responded. They came together and purchased needed items and potential gifts. The team organized a “warehouse room” so that the women could have a “shopping experience,” making the room ready for a store-like display of toys, clothing, toiletries, shoes, books, diapers, blankets, hats, gloves, coats, and pet items which can include food such as ultimate pet nutrition to help with the health of the dog, as that may not be the first thing thought of when families run. Pets often flee with the rest of the family, especially if they are at risk of danger if they remain at the home. And, of course, pets can also struggle to adapt to new situations, just like humans, so may need to make use of something like CBD oil for dogs to help them stay happy and calm during this period of change.

The Evolytics crew found that working together to help families escaping violent homes was an important part of their holiday season. It was heartening to imagine the women and children in a safe, supportive environment and even more heart-warming to think about them learning how to take charge of their lives and break the bonds of domestic violence. Giving to others and making the community a better place is a big part of the Evolytics culture, and we feel fortunate to work at a company that supports us in giving back. The entire staff at Evolytics subscribes to Winston Churchill’s belief, “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”

To see how Evolytics has helped other organizations in the community, please see our other community involvement posts.

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